1. Dental implants
  2. Types of implants
  3. Subperiosteal implants

An In-Depth Look at Subperiosteal Implants: What You Need to Know

Learn all about subperiosteal implants and their benefits and drawbacks in this comprehensive article. Perfect for those researching dental implants and the different types available.

An In-Depth Look at Subperiosteal Implants: What You Need to Know

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on subperiosteal implants. If you're considering dental implants, you may have heard of subperiosteal implants, but may not know much about them. In this article, we'll take an in-depth look at subperiosteal implants, discussing what they are, how they work, and their benefits and drawbacks. By the end, you'll have a better understanding of this type of dental implant and whether it may be the right option for you. As part of our series on dental implants, we'll be delving into the different types of implants available.

Whether you're missing one tooth or several, there is a dental implant solution that can restore your smile and improve your oral health. We'll be focusing specifically on subperiosteal implants in this article, so let's dive in and learn more about this unique option. Subperiosteal implants are a type of dental implant that are placed under the gum tissue and onto the jawbone. They are typically used in cases where there is not enough bone structure for traditional implants or if a patient cannot undergo bone grafting surgery. The procedure involves creating a custom-fitted implant that rests on top of the jawbone and underneath the gums.

This implant has posts that protrude through the gums and can be used to anchor replacement teeth. One of the main benefits of subperiosteal implants is that they are suitable for those who have experienced significant bone loss in their jaw. Traditional implants require a certain amount of bone structure for successful placement, but subperiosteal implants do not have this limitation. They also do not require invasive bone grafting surgery, making them a more viable option for some patients. However, it's important to note that subperiosteal implants have a lower success rate compared to traditional implants and may not be suitable for everyone. For those considering subperiosteal implants, it's important to discuss your options with a qualified dentist.

They can assess your individual case and determine if this type of implant is the best choice for you. They can also provide information on the expected success rate and potential risks associated with the procedure.

The Procedure: What to Expect

If you and your dentist have decided that subperiosteal implants are the best option for you, here's what you can expect during the procedure.

Drawbacks of Subperiosteal Implants

As with any dental procedure, there are potential risks and drawbacks associated with subperiosteal implants. Some of these include:Possible Infection: As with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of infection at the implant site. This can lead to complications and may require additional treatment.

Damage to Adjacent Teeth:

Subperiosteal implants are placed on top of the jawbone and can put pressure on adjacent teeth.

This can lead to damage or even loss of these teeth.

Pain and Discomfort:

Subperiosteal implants require surgery and can cause pain and discomfort during the healing process. This can be managed with pain medication, but it's important to be prepared for potential discomfort.


Subperiosteal implants tend to be more expensive than other types of dental implants, which can be a drawback for some individuals.

Benefits of Subperiosteal Implants

Subperiosteal implants are a type of dental implant that is placed between the bone and the gum tissue. While they may not be suitable for everyone, they do offer some unique benefits that make them a viable option for certain individuals. Here are a few of the most notable advantages of subperiosteal implants:
  • Great for patients with a shallow jawbone or inadequate bone density: Unlike traditional dental implants that require a certain amount of bone structure for support, subperiosteal implants are placed on top of the jawbone and can provide support even if the bone is shallow or weak.
  • Less invasive procedure: As subperiosteal implants are placed on top of the jawbone, there is no need for extensive surgery or bone grafting.

    This makes it a less invasive option for those who may not be suitable candidates for traditional implants.

  • Faster healing time: Since the procedure is less invasive, the healing time for subperiosteal implants is typically faster compared to traditional implants. This means less discomfort and a quicker recovery time for patients.
  • Can support multiple missing teeth: Subperiosteal implants are designed to support multiple missing teeth, making them a great option for individuals who need to replace several teeth.
In conclusion, subperiosteal implants are a viable option for those who have experienced significant bone loss in their jaw or cannot undergo traditional implant procedures. They have their own set of benefits and drawbacks, and it's important to discuss your individual case with a qualified dentist before making a decision. We hope this article has provided valuable information on subperiosteal implants and has helped you make an informed decision for your dental health.

Claire Wintringham
Claire Wintringham

Typical music aficionado. Avid twitter practitioner. Proud food specialist. Award-winning zombie advocate. Freelance tv fan.

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